Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

BLYTH'S PIPIT at Peninnis

The 5th BLYTH'S PIPIT for scilly was 

   I heard a Firecrest and 20+Redwing flew over when I made the short walk to work at Star Castle first thing this morning. At 10.30 I picked up Bob Dawson and Graham at the quay, with a few other St Agnes birders, and we made our ways to the west side of Peninnis to see the BLYTH'S PIPIT. On arrival, the pipit was distantly at the top of the north coastal field, but a few minutes later it made it's ways down the slope towards us from the coastal path, where it gave very good scope views. It was heard calling when flying and when we left, it ended up at the top of the south coastal field. Graham and I returned to me wagon and got the Red-throated Pipit on call and then saw it fly low into a field bordering the east side of the Kings Edwards Road. We could of spent some time looking for it, but wanted to go and kick some fields. At content a Jack Snipe was flushed (there were also 4 at Lower Moors) and Graham heard a Richard Pipit nearby. We were unsuccessful when trying to look for it. At Green Farm over 50 Redwing were feeding in the Hawthorns and there was a single Wheatear. Otherwise it was very quiet and hard work in the warm sunshine. The day ended with a  twitch for 2 Richard's Pipit at the very area when Graham heard his Richard's earlier on and found myself kicking the very same fields we walked through a few hours before. Like last time there was no sign of them. 2 Firecrest were in the campsite garden, Garrison. This evening I could hear Redwings overhead throughout the night

The pipit never came closer enough for the camera.

   Also seen today, Bryher at last was turning up some good birds in the shape of a Melodious Warbler and Red-breasted Flycatcher.  The Common Rosefinch was still on St Martins, the Short-toed Lark was at the airfield and on St Agnes the RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL continued to entertain the birders.

Jeffrey Lawrence "Jeff" Klein is an American singer/songwriter from Newburgh, New York, who plays keyboards and guitar. He has released three albums.

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